One of the benefits of people in a shore territorial division in Africa is that the beach is not far away. I have e'er found the fit of the the deep to have a quietening event when I am in a disagreeable state. And after this picky week, I requisite the soporific effect! I had wondered all hebdomad if I was genuinely wherever God needed to me be and if He could use me present.
While seated on the beach, I leaned fund and my paw hit a bang. I picked it up and saw that it could have been a satisfactory skipping seed apart from the edges were not ovoid. They were saw-like and lined. It would lift years of tides to melodious the edges of this kernel. I realized that I was a lot suchlike that pound. I have a lot of rough edges, too.
Leaning rear on the other arm, my paw hit other pummel. The identicalness linking the two astonished me. They could have been from the self fair game. But this second granite was minor and sander - idyllic for a skipping nugget. I sensed God's message: Yes, it takes circumstance and work, but I too can be a practical tube for Him. I have to be tolerant as God sends circumstances into my life span that glossy out my bestial edges. Perhaps the difficulties of this week were portion of the smoothing activity in my being.
I increasingly have those rocks. They sit on my shelf to promote me to go on to be likely to be denaturized. They serve as a reminder that "all of us are the drudgery of God's manus." (Isaiah 64:8)