Niche marketing is very much talked about online today, especially as many internet marketers have made a fortune monetizing niche marketing web sites with pay per click ads. Many internet marketers have made a fortune selling these pay per click web sites for you to use.
But let me ask you this question about niche marketing. If the pay per click advertisers are willing to pay $4 per click or some other ridiculously obscene number to drive traffic to their niche marketing web site, then don't you think that there is some money in the niche$%: If the pay per click company (I won't name names here, but you know who) pays you half of that, you are getting paid half of what an actual click to a niche marketing web site is worth. Now, granted, some sites are worth more than others, that is why the bidding system is so effective.
But back to my original thought - if the click is worth a certain amount, let us say $4 for this example, then if you have a properly monetized niche marketing web site in the same niche that is paying $4 per click, do you not think that each click to your own web site would be worth just that much$%: And yet, you are paid much less than that when you do the pay per click game, because you are only paid for the clicks OUT of your site, not the ones coming in.
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Here is your game plan:
1) Find out which keywords are paying more
2) Create a niche web site around the topic of those keywords
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3) Write about the niche topic and submit them to online article directories.
4) Submit your web site to online web directories.
5) Start over